
Distance from Earth : 2.3 Light Minutes

Relation to the Sun : Venus is the second planet from the Sun.

Mean Distance from Sun : 108 million km (67 million miles)

Diameter : 12,104 Kilometres

Relative size : Almost 1 Earth. Venus is slightly smaller than the Planet Earth.

Mass : 0.82 Earths

Orbit around the Sun : 224.7 Earth Days,

Period of Rotation : 243 Earth Days (Venus rotates in a retrograde sense)

Day Length : 117 Earth Days (Venusian Day)

Year Length : 224.7 Earth Days

Orbital Inclination : 3.4 Degrees

Axial Tilt : 177.3 Degrees

Mean Surface Temperature : 480 °Celsius (896 °Fahrenheit)

Mean Surface Gravity : 0.9 Earth

Atmospheric Composition : 96% Carbon Dioxide, 3% Nitrogen, Traces of Argon and Water.

Number of Moons : 0 Moons

Visible from the planet Earth with the Naked Eye : Yes

Venus is the brightest planet. It is the third brightest object in the sky after the sun and the moon.

Venus is an inferior planet. Just like the planet Mercury, Venus is located between the Sun and the planet Earth.

Venus is sometimes called the Morning Star and the Evening Star. This is because Venus can sometimes be seen in the a few hours before sunrise or after sunset.