
Distance from Earth : 3.1 Light Minutes

Relation to the Sun : Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun.

Mean Distance from Sun : 228 million km (142 million miles)

Diameter : 6,780 Kilometres (4,220 Miles)

Relative size : Less than 1 Earth. Mars is about half the size of the Planet Earth.

Mass : 0.11 Earths

Orbit around the Sun : 687 Earth Days

Period of Rotation : 24 Hours and 37 Minutes

Day Length : 24.6 Hours ( Day)

Year Length : 687 Earth Days

Orbital Inclination : 1.9 Degrees

Axial Tilt : 25.19 Degrees

Mean Surface Temperature : -150 °Celsius -65°C ( -85 °Fahrenheit)

Mean Surface Gravity : 0.38 Earth

Atmospheric Composition : 95% Carbon Dioxide.

Number of Moons : 2 Moons

Visible from the planet Earth with the Naked Eye : Yes

Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet because it actually looks redder when compared to other stars and planets in our night sky. The red color is due to the iron oxides on the surface of Mars.

Mars has polar ice caps that change with the seasons. In addition to dust that blows around the surface of the planet.

Mars is the closest planet to Earth.

The moons of the Planet Mars